All Grace

All Grace Therapeutic Solutions LLC is a mental health private practice, created to help people heal and love the skin they are in.  It is an unfortunate reality that we often prevent ourselves from moving forward and finding healing because of the shame and guilt we carry from past decisions and mistakes. At All Grace Therapeutic Solutions our goal is to not only help you embrace your life circumstances, but take back the control you may have lost in your dark season. By owning your narrative and truth, we will work to bring you towards the freedom you are searching for. We can reach that freedom by finding the strength to give ourselves Grace, even when we feel we may not deserve it. 

Your Therapist

One definition of Grace is “the simple elegance or refinement of movement” All Grace Therapeutic Solutions was chosen for the name of this practice because it is my hope and commitment to teach each one of my clients what it means to not only extend Grace to yourself, but to then use that Grace as a conduit of change. When we begin to carry ourselves and our stories with more elegance and refinement we begin to embody the understanding that we are not defined by our past, and it is only a sprinkle of dust in our forthcoming blessings.

It wasn’t until I was a young adult that I began to understand my heart has always been filled with humility and empathy. My spirit has always been wrapped and enveloped with love, compassion and genuine care for anyone that I encounter. Even when it causes me personal dismay, it is hard to let someone go, when I know they have so much more potential to embrace. This is why I have always believed in my heart that Social Work chose me.

While obtaining my Bachelors in Psychology from Seton Hall University, I began to attain a deeper understanding of how the brain works. This led me to further analyze and think critically how systems can either enhance or break our attempts at being the best version of ourselves. This guided me into obtaining my Master in Social Work from New York University, where I became equipped with the skills and knowledge to share with others how their genuine happiness is within much closer proximity than they may believe.

I currently have experience in a plethora of topics, ranging from suicidal ideations to pallative care. I have been fortunate to hold positions within Crisis Intervention, the Military, as well as being a member of private practices that unequivocally taught me the importance of client centered work and what it truly means to emotionally show up for those I am in the room with as a therapist. It is my hope that this introduction helps you to better understand how I am dedicated to helping you as a client be all that you desire to be. No one deserves to live life just superficially, but everyone possesses the merit to live abundantly and inexhaustibly pleased with every day of their lives. It is my dream to help others fall in love with not only their life story, but the future they are striving for. Together, we can use therapy as a foundation to build and erect the pillars of hope and harvest needed to live life amazingly.

Happy Place

I love spending time and traveling with my partner who is endearingly called Poppa Bear by our family. Being able to be within nature, and anywhere near water is simply serene to me.

Daily Fuel

Prayer and Meditation is how I aim to start and end each day. My Christianity has always been a place of refuge and solace for me no matter what I am going through.

Tanasha Driver, LCSW

Your Session

Therapy will look different for each person. Some topics that are discussed will be difficult and possibly leave you feeling upset afterwards. But the goal is to discuss and cover anything in life you may feel is holding you back. Other times, you feel relieved and at peace with being able to get things off of your chest. Your therapist will lightly check in with you about your week and aim to move through helping you process life experiences. In many cases, your sessions will aim to help you heal from hurt you may have encountered. Sessions will last anywhere between 45 mins to 1 hour in length.

Begin your journey today!